The minor ailment scheme is an NHS service that allows the pharmacy to supply advice and medication where appropriate by the pharmacy for a group of minor conditions. The service is free of charge for eligible patients. The pharmacy team will ask you a few questions to establish if you qualify for this service.

The aim of the service is to provide treatments for minor conditions without the need to see your GP or A&E. You are required to be registered with a local GP in the same area as the pharmacy. If you are using this service for the first time, we will need to register you which can take 10-15 minutes. The pharmacist will ask a have a short consultation with you to establish the best course of treatment for you and to give you advice.

Note: In more serious cases, the pharmacist might refer you to the GP or the A&E as appropriate.

Local GP surgeries or NHS 111 might also refer you to the pharmacy for this service. This service aims to increase the utilization of community pharmacist skills by providing self-care through the pharmacy. It also increases patient choice, convenience and access to treatment for minor ailments that do not require consultation with a doctor. If you or someone you look after requires this service, please inquire at our pharmacy for the minor ailment scheme.

Minor Aliment Scheme